__                  __
   / /_  ____ _      __/ /_____
  / __ \/ __ \ | /| / / __/ __ \
 / / / / /_/ / |/ |/ / /_/ /_/ /
/_/ /_/\____/|__/|__/\__/\____/
howto.txt     For Vim version 9.0.  Last change: 2006 Apr 02

                  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar

How to ...                              howdoi how-do-i howto how-to

tutor                   get started
:quit                   exit?  I'm trapped, help me!
initialization          initialize Vim
vimrc-intro             write a Vim script file (vimrc)
suspend                 suspend Vim
usr_11.txt              recover after a crash
07.4                    keep a backup of my file when writing over it

usr_07.txt              edit files
23.4                    edit binary files
usr_24.txt              insert text
deleting                delete text
usr_04.txt              change text
04.5                    copy and move text
usr_25.txt              format text
30.6                    format comments
30.2                    indent C programs
25.3                    automatically set indent

usr_26.txt              repeat commands
02.5                    undo and redo

usr_03.txt              move around
word-motions            word motions
left-right-motions      left-right motions
up-down-motions         up-down motions
object-motions          text-object motions
various-motions         various motions
object-select           text-object selection
'whichwrap'             move over line breaks
'virtualedit'           move to where there is no text
usr_27.txt              specify pattern for searches
tags-and-searches       do tags and special searches
29.4                    search in include'd files used to find
                        variables, functions, or macros
K                       look up manual for the keyword under cursor

03.7                    scroll
'sidescroll'            scroll horizontally/sideways
'scrolloff'             set visible context lines

mode-switching          change modes
04.4                    use Visual mode
'insertmode'            start Vim in Insert mode

40.1                    map keys
24.7                    create abbreviations

ins-expandtab           expand a tab to spaces in Insert mode
i_CTRL-R                insert contents of a register in Insert mode
24.3                    complete words in Insert mode
25.1                    break a line before it gets too long

20.1                    do command-line editing
20.3                    do command-line completion
'cmdheight'             increase the height of command-line
10.3                    specify command-line ranges
40.3                    specify commands to be executed automatically
                        before/after reading/writing entering/leaving a

'autowrite'             write automatically
30.1                    speedup edit-compile-edit cycle or compile and fix
                        errors within Vim

options                 set options
auto-setting            set options automatically
term-dependent-settings   set options depending on terminal name
save-settings           save settings
:quote                  comment my .vim files
'helpheight'            change the default help height
'highlight'             set various highlighting modes
'title'                 set the window title
'icon'                  set window icon title
'report'                avoid seeing the change messages on every line
'shortmess'             avoid hit-enter prompts

mouse-using             use mouse with Vim
usr_08.txt              manage multiple windows and buffers
gui.txt                 use the gui

|You can't! (yet)|      do dishes using Vim

usr_06.txt              switch on syntax highlighting
2html.vim               convert a colored file to HTML
less                    use Vim like less or more with syntax highlighting